January 26, 2016

Fitting it all into one week

Given that January started off at a very slow pace, I am not surprised to find that by mid-month I am trying to keep up with myself once again. There are just NOT enough hours in the day to cover all the attractions Paris has to offer. This was my week...

"Volez, voguez, voyagez" with Louis Vuitton at the Grand Palais

Enjoying a coffee with a friend in need

Always room for a sweet tooth @ UMA 

A seriously cool view onto THE tower from the Musée de l'Architecture

Feeding the homeless on a cold night

Flaneusing across Paris on a rainy day

Girls' lunch at the Musée de l'Homme, as in TGIF

Picasso Mania: a romantic date to start the weekend

Reuniting with old friends visiting from abroad

Wondering through Paris Deco for inspiration

Café de la Paix for an exquisite dîner

Classical concert at the Eglise de Saint Louis en Ile for meditation on a Sunday afternoon

... and this has not covered the board meeting, the hairdresser's appointment, the manicure, the university info evening, the International night at school, the yoga, the pilates, or the physiotherapist!

Ahh, Paris will always be Paris!

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