November 8, 2016

It's gonna be a long night...

So, I've been glued to CNN TV since lunchtime and if - over the past months - the world got more than an earful of the US election whether we liked it or not, I have definitely had an overdose by now.

However, I have cast my vote and sent it in to the New York State Board of Elections and at this point am ready to receive the result and move on.

As I watched both candidates voting this morning in New York, I realise we all absorbed so much more about US politics than we ever thought possible or even necessary after incessantly being bombarded by the media. Thanks to Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton we might even have learnt more about US politics than we know about our own home country's.

My kids certainly got a huge lesson in US politics and world history. We had talks about ethics, feminism and chivalry. Why, my daughter just came home and showed me Barak Obama's one and only Snapchat of the day!

So, yes, we re all fired up and are ready for a long night before we hit the Parent-Teacher conferences tomorrow at school!

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