February 7, 2018

The silence of snow...

The only way to describe Paris today would be with the German proverb "vom Regen in die Traufe kommen". The French version would be "tomber de Charybde en Scylla". The English would say "out of the frying pan and into the fire" which however does not mention any rain.

For it is the rain we have been fighting for months, literally, hoping the Seine would not completely flood Paris' bridges. The river has not even started to roll back when ... the snow hits us!

Snow has paralysed most parts of Paris the past 24 hours. Transport conditions are complicated, with buses out of service, trains cancelled, metros suffering, Uber collapsed, taxis unavailable and police encouraging the public to stay at home and not use cars.

Schools are still open albeit the school buses not running and the kids are having a blast rampaging through the snow. It is cold but the scenery is unique.

And when I stop to look and listen, it is the silence that I feast on, for never has the city centre been so muffled to the point where I can hear nothing but the fresh snow crunching beneath my feet.

La grandeur et la splendeur de l'architecture parisienne

The Eiffel Tower hiding in the fog

It's a true winter wonderland 

Never a man to be afraid of the cold!

A fairytale picture

When a panoramic shot says more than words 

The Metro's having difficulties as well.

Hiding in the woods

La mairie de Paris is open for business 

Nestling in a French bistro for lunch while the storm continues outside.

1 comment:

  1. Loved it! Beautiful pictures, beautiful words.


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