March 14, 2019

Gilets Jaunes: the party is over!

It has been 18 weeks... 18! Seriously "gilets jaunes"... get over it and get on with it! I am in no way a political person but a simple Parisian resident and it seems to me that we are now overkilling it!

Since France’s "Yellow Vest" protests started in October of last year, each Saturday we need to check on the local TV station BFMTV or Twitter before heading out to run the usual weekend errands. It is depressing and unsettling. Hopefully any "action" taking place around town is far from our path and we won't find metro or bus stations closed or need to evacuate from the department store in a hurry!

By now, nobody really cares about your protests. Of course, the claims to a dignified life in one of the world's most powerful nations is a just cause, HOWEVER...

a) the media all over the globe is taking advantage of you
b) there have been more people posting, publishing or airing about the protesters than there are protesters.
c) local and foreign platforms are playing a critical role in diffusing propaganda and misleading information
c) the hooligans are having a field day
d) the government cannot negotiate with you because they don't know who to contact
e) family businesses are going bankrupt due to loss of turnover
f) tourism is suffering and down 10%
g) people are loosing their jobs due to forced unemployment
h) million of Euros worth of damages have been reported
... and last but not least people are getting injured!!!

We are tired of this charade! Cinderella left the ball at the height of her admiration for a reason. If you stay until the very end of the party no one will even care when you leave!

So please, please can we bring this to an end? We are at week 18 and this needs to be the Ultimatum and then maybe we can start focussing on Brexit!!!

Gilets Jaunes near the Champs Elysées

The media is all over it

The day after: city cleaners wearing their standard uniform of yellow vests!

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