March 23, 2019

Demanding Action On Climate Change

When my 15 year old daughter comes to me asking for permission to join the student protest for climate change my first reaction is NO! Not only because I believe she is too young to demonstrate but also for the obvious reason of security. Safety has become the worry of every parent when there is talk about a crowd gathering in Paris. You just never know how it will end.

Another reason against protesting is the timing. The "Gilets Jaunes" isn't the only movement going on. Last weekend alone we had three major protests in Paris, one of which ended in violence. In my eyes, now just isn’t a good time to raise awareness for anything through demonstrations. The city is tired of manifestations and their disruptiveness.

My daughter doesn’t see it that way. She is determined to join her group of fellow students in voicing her concern about the climate change. She tells me it is not about Paris but being part of something bigger, notably saving our planet and calling for action to curb climate change. It is not about walking out of school but rather bringing attention to what her generation see as an existential threat!

Expat girl is a firm believer in saving the environment and has proven her point by taking action in various petitions and initiatives in past years. My husband and I are raising her to be caring, independent and dedicated to excellence. She has done an extraordinary job for her young age. How can we deny her desire to take action when it is this spirit in her that her family and her education have encouraged from the word go. So, you go girl, go! #Fridays for future!

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