January 16, 2015

La Galette des Rois - HOMEMADE!

January 6th is NOT a holiday in France like in most other countries we have lived in. My kids tried very hard the night before to negotiate their way out of school without success needless to say. No, we do not live in Lugano or Milano anymore and quite frankly if La Befana finds her way to our house it will be over night. Los Reyes Magos will not be arriving from Madrid since you received all your gifts on December 24th already.

We will, however, have a Three Kings Cake to celebrate the occasion. Now, I am a great lover of traditions and am the first to explore a local custom but I cannot for the life of me get myself to buy a Galette des Rois at the bakery. It is a question of principal rather than price. As my husband can vouch, I am much better at spending than earning money but I refuse to pay 25 Euros for a fluffy pastry tart filled with Frangipane whatever that might consist of (I am still trying to figure that one out).

Therefore I fell back on dear old Betty Bossi (Switzerland's equivalent of Julia Child) and dug out a Three Kings Cake recipe along with a golden paper crown that had somehow miraculously survived since our Lugano days and went to work with Expat Girl, much to her delight. I am no rebel but I needed to prove my point.

The result was flabbergasting I dare say. Honestly, our Swiss Galette des Rois looked better than the professional ones we used to buy in Switzerland... and it tasted better too! The recipe did state: to be devoured freshly out of the oven and so we did.

The flour cost 99 cents, the yeast 83 cents, the butter 98 cents, the milk was 83 cents, a bit of sugar and salt and we served a scrumptious brioche for eight people.

I am wondering if I might be on to a revolutionary business idea? How do you think Swiss Three Kings Cakes would fair in Paris?

Here is the link to the Three Kings Cake recipe: Expat with Kids

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