October 24, 2017

Two Fat Expats make me giggle

As a blogger you discover a whole new world inside the net. A virtual world that seems to have little to do with real life. Well, in reality "Two Fat Expats" Facebook page, website and podcast have thousands of followers across the globe with very real problems, concerns, advice, and recommendations that members are happy to share and which can be applied to real life allowing a smoother transition in a foreign environment.

Admittedly Paris is an easy destination, it's Europe, it's a home game for anyone who has grown up on the continent. I am fascinated to read about the adventures the group members write about in the Middle East or the Far East.  

Kirsty Rice, the co-founder, is my absolute favourite blogger whom I have been following since 2010 when I came across her post about an Expat woman.

Her posts are written straight from the heart and she has a knick of describing that precise feeling of what it is like to be an Expat in a foreign country. Together with her co-host Nikki the "Two Fat Expats" believe that expat life should be lived large. Making the most of it, filling it up with as much as you can, and if you’re on the move – enjoying rather than enduring.

We all know that it can be really tough being away from family, friends, and familiarity which is why Two Fat Expats always provides ideas and inspiration to make Expat life fatter. This group is all about support, encouragement and giggles with a bit of expat reality thrown in.

The Two Fat Expat ladies came up with a game today: a map to put your expat locations on. The code is green for where you live, yellow for where you come from and red for places you've lived.

It's would seem they have gone truly global. Bravo Two Fat Expats!

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