May 23, 2013

The family is calling...

“Traveling in the company of those we love is home in motion.”
Leigh Hunt

When family calls, you run. Well, my nephew's confirmation was the excuse but we actually enjoy discovering new places. A couple of months earlier my brother's family had moved from Lausanne down the road - at least that is what it seemd like to us - to Fribourg on the cultural border between German and French Switzerland. For connaisseurs this is called the Röstigraben!

We therefore all hopped into our rented car and crossed the Alps and half of Switzerland to attend a two hour mass sung in Latin! Now, THAT was a first even for my Italian Catholic Expat hubby. The monasteries of Fribourg have always formed a centre of religious culture, which includes architecture, sculpture and painting, and have contributed to the culture of the city. Today, roughly 70% of the population is Roman Catholic a very high percentage for any Swiss city. It has been the seat of the Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg since 1613. Needless to mention that it was the bishop of this diocese who held the confimation service.

These are our souvenirs:

Confirmation in the Latin rite

The river Saane/Sarine flowing through Fribourg

The road of faithful couples and model husbands

The valley floor settled immediately around the Old City.

Along the river Sarine

A feel of countryside

The Old City, one of the best maintained in Switzerland, sits on a small rocky hill above the valley of the Sarine.

The locals

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