September 16, 2017

Our neighbour, a certain Georges Clemenceau

So while my high-school reunion is taking place today in the Swiss mountains, which I unfortunately had to miss, I am lugging myself out to the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine to take my mind off things. The European Heritage Days is an annual programme offering opportunities to visit buildings, monuments and sites, many of which are not normally accessible to the public.

Turns out George Clemenceau's residence is located across the road from us. Who knew?

Who knew Clemenceau lived in a four room apartment 
opening onto a garden with a view on the Eiffel Tower.

He lived here for thirty five years until his death on November 24th, 1929.

Georges Benjamin Clemenceau (1841 – 1929) was a French politician, physician, and journalist who became Prime Minister of France during the First World War.

Clemenceau's curiosity for the life of the mind and for the arts is revealed through his books, his travel souvenirs and his collection of curious.

View from the garden onto the house.
The first floor is dedicated to his life and work: portraits, books, newspapers and manuscripts, as well as the famous coat and the gaiters he wore while visiting the frontlines of the First World War. 

Now that's an exquisite example of a boiler

A glimpse into Clemenceau's dining room.
 It was here that he continually measured the magnitude and misery of victory, and so much loss.

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